There is no doubt that 2020 has been a challenging year. However, I’m pleased that AAMFT was able to remain focused on supporting members and efforts to make the world a better place and staying true to the scope of the AAMFT Strategic Plan. Every key planned activity—from Leadership Symposium to Board meetings to advocacy work—was disrupted. Yet, in the face of tackling their own challenges, members quickly stepped up and came together to help AAMFT deliver high quality programming, services, and key victories for MFTs. To them, we owe many thanks. Just a few of the examples of AAMFT members making an impact on our field and the world this year include:
- The At Home Series, anchored by seven outstanding presenters, had over 4,000 real time participants and another 2,000 post recording views. The wide-ranging presentations provided members the opportunity to network and interact with colleagues and leaders in the field. Feedback was extremely positive and reflected support and rejuvenation among members as they continued to provide services during a very challenging time.
- Another example of making the world a better place is the advocacy work helping to pass S. 785 the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019. This legislation ensures that more veterans will be connected to critical mental health care and combat veteran suicide. One Senate Committee member commented, “Every day we lose 20 veterans to suicide and this pandemic has further worsened mental health conditions and resulted in more veterans being isolated from friends and family… Passing this legislation to serve veterans was our top priority this Congress.”
- In the area of teletherapy, members rallied to help establish new, albeit, emergency temporary regulations to provide teletherapy allowing MFTs to continue vital work with clients during the COVID-19 shutdown. Members diligently worked to create resources thereby providing guidance benefitting MFTs and client families.
- AAMFT also participated in some important advocacy initiatives through the Mental Health Liaison Group (60+ mental health organizations) which advocates for specific issues. Some examples include supporting the COVID-19 Mental Health Research Act (H.R. 6645), which requires HHS to conduct or support research on the mental health consequences of COVID-19 and supporting S.3792, the Tele-Mental Health Improvement Act of 2020, which would require group health plans and health insurers to cover mental health and substance use disorder telehealth services during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
- Advocacy takes many forms and this year social issues took an important role with the increased focus on racial and systemic injustice. Like many other associations, AAMFT issued a statement in response to the racial trauma and violence inflicted upon communities of color. The blog statement, AAMFT Statement on MFT Responsibility to Counter Racism ( encouraged members to embrace their training and roles in society in order to advance systemic change. An existing webpage of Racial Justice Resources for MFTs ( was updated with additional information written by MFTs, reflecting the impactful voice and motivated actions of our members. AAMFT was also able to secure Brittany Packnett-Cunningham to host an At Home talk on racial injustice which had over 2,000 registrants.
- Impressive were members who worked swiftly with AAMFT staff to re-imagine and author TWO issues of Family Therapy magazine focusing on the pandemic and the struggle with racial injustice. These authors took time during their own challenges to assist and share with other MFTs.
- The AAMFT Research and Education Foundation also experienced an important year for helping to make the world a better place. For example, Chef Jeff Henderson and his wife Stacy, became Honoree Trustees. With their consultation, the AAMFT Research and Education Foundation was able to engage with AAMFT member Amy Morgan, PhD, on a pilot research project, “Developing a Redemptive Identity: A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Post-Incarceration Resiliency.” The goal of this pilot project is to set the stage for future research and development projects assisting incarcerated and post-incarcerated.
- The Foundation continues to support the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP), which in 2021 has a cohort of 22 Doctoral and 32 Masters Fellows doing great work around underserved and minority populations. Incredibly, over 400 mentor hours were contributed to help the MFP and Fellows achieve success in delivering services to underserved populations.
- International web page views saw double and triple digit percentage increases. Some heavy visiting nations include: Canada, India, Egypt, Iraq, and South Africa. It is evident that systemic family therapists, globally, are invested in learning and professional growth for our field. Further, family therapists from around the world attended the free At Home Series.
- Topical Interest Networks have been very busy and delivering outstanding benefits to members. Through October, our interest networks have hosted 76 events with over 1,800 registrants.
None of these efforts work without committed volunteers. This small sampling of events and activities reflect the motivation and dedication of many members. Did you know that each year both the AAMFT and the Research & Education Foundation honor individuals for their unique contributions to MFT research and practice? If you, or someone you know, is deserving of consideration, please consider submitting a nomination. Information can be found at > About AAMFT > Awards.
Speaking of nominations, if you haven’t considered running for a governance position (e.g. Interest Network Leadership, AAMFT Board of Directors, Election Council, Commissioner for the COAMFTE), please consider doing so. It is through our diligent and motivated leadership we are able to offer member informed relevant programming. For more information visit > About AAMFT > Call for nominations. You will see we have dedicated this issue to helping members understand the AAMFT governance process and structure.
AAMFT is now nicely positioned to become a more inclusive “open tent” association after passage of the revised bylaws. Your participation in AAMFT provides an insight about how AAMFT benefits the practice and profession and I invite you to take an ambassador role in recruiting new members who can benefit from AAMFT’s resources and programming.
Certainly, the challenges of 2020 will carry into 2021. Given the exceptionally strong performance of members meeting the needs of systemic family therapists, I have no reservations about AAMFT’s ability to move into 2021 with confidence and renewed diligence.
Thank you for your contributions in making AAMFT the premier association for systemic family therapists!