AAMFT Releases Research Data from Over 65 Study


As AAMFT members know all too well, licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs) and licensed mental health counselors (LHMCs) currently make up approximately 40% of mental health service providers in the country. However, unlike psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers, LMFTs and LMHCs are not covered providers under Medicare. To better understand public opinion on this issue, AAMFT sponsored a study to understand seniors’ perception of a policy initiative focused on extending Medicare coverage to LMFTs and LHMCs. The study revealed that seniors overwhelmingly support expanding Medicare coverage to LMFTs and LMHCs, and that there is widespread agreement that such a policy change would be very helpful to seniors. The study also identified that lack of Medicare coverage is one of the primary barriers for seniors who desire mental health services. In addition, seniors noted unaffordability as another major barrier. Extending coverage to LMFTs and LHMCs would help to immediately address the first barrier and could ultimately reduce the financial costs of mental health services for seniors around the country. Download the full report or view the one-page summary.