global perspectives

Family-based Intervention for Chinese Families with Children with ADHD

AAMFT Professional Member Joyce L. C. Ma, PhD, reviewed the clinical utility of family-based treatment (FBT), comprised of multiple family therapy (MFT) and structural family therapy (SFT), in helping Hong Kong Chinese families with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Ma identifies the psychosocial service needs of these families and examines the contributions of the adapted MFT and SFT in responding to the psychosocial service needs of these families. Critical issues for clinical practice and research are discussed. Some key points are that empirical and anecdotal evidence supports the clinical utility of family-based treatment in helping these families and that engagement of fathers is critical in helping families with children with ADHD, as well as noting that family therapists are in the best position to offer FBT for families with children with ADHD.

Read the full study. Ma, J. L. C. (2021). Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong, China. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 42, 402-413.


AAMFT Member Melissa Tran Receives Dr. Robert L. Jesse Award

Melissa Tran, MA, LMFT, an AAMFT Professional Member holding the Clinical Fellow designation, at the Orlando VA Healthcare System, won the Under Secretary for Health Dr. Robert L. Jesse Award for Excellence in InnoVAtion for her InnoVAtion Perinatal Reproductive Education and Planning Resources (PREPARe). PREPARe provides a holistic prenatal and postnatal support program involving nutrition, mental health and women’s health. Support groups and classes are available for those who are expecting or recently postpartum. Offerings range from yoga, hypnosis and childbirth, lactation counseling, parenting styles, infant loss, infertility, post-partum depression, effective communication and how your health affects your child including nutrition and food safety. This award recognizes and honors VA employees who have demonstrated excellence and enabled the discovery and spread of healthcare innovation that exceeds expectations, restores hope, and builds trust. Inspired by her own experience with motherhood, Tran developed the program to help other new parents navigate pregnancy and its related conditions. Tran often felt lost during her pregnancy and postpartum period, so she made it her mission to make sure that perinatal services, education, and support are readily available across VHA. Congratulations, Melissa, on this outstanding achievement! View the awards presentation video below. Melissa’s presentation begins at 36:40.

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