The Executive Committee and AAMFT


NG20-executive-committeeThe Executive Committee is specifically mentioned in the AAMFT Bylaws: “5.04. The committees of the board are the Executive Committee and such other committees of the board as shall be authorized by the board. The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer of the association. The CEO serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have all powers of the board between meetings of the board except as prohibited by these Bylaws and the policies and procedures established by the board.”

The Executive Committee essentially functions in leadership of the full Board of Directors. Each member, determined by the role they are fulfilling within the board, has unique responsibilities and these hold throughout the structure of the executive committee, as well. That is to say, the president is the voice of AAMFT for the board and strives to ensure the integrity of the board, as well as holding accountable each member. The president-elect is leading while learning the role of the presidency, there to step in should the president not be able to attend or fulfill functions, and serves by policy in various governance units. The secretary is responsible for all board minutes and official record keeping; the treasurer oversees the finances of the association to ensure accountability of the full board, and serves by policy in various governance units. The president is the chair of the Executive Committee.

Together as a whole, the Executive Committee fulfills a number of functions. As a subunit of the full board, the Executive Committee has the authority to make swift decisions on behalf of the board when circumstance and/or time does not allow for full board process. This is conducted with full transparency that enables the board to be informed swiftly after such decisions have been made. Such authority facilitates a greater nimbleness for the board so that opportunities are not lost or when necessary, risks are mitigated.

AAMFT strives in every aspect to function with what is known as association best practices. This informs the intersectionality of the Executive Committee and AAMFT as a corporation that is staffed by employees. The Executive Committee is not only responsible for the process of hiring a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), but that responsibility is sustained in continuity by oversight of the CEO. The Executive Committee conducts and oversees an annual evaluation of performance, as well as contract and compensation agreements.

The Executive Committee is kept abreast of financials of AAMFT throughout the year. Via quarterly reports from the AAMFT staff, followed by questions/answers and discussions, as well as face-to-face private meetings with our accountants and auditors—the full Executive Committee engages in a rigorous process. This allows the committee to faithfully track money management throughout the year and ascertain the financial well-being of the association. It is the role of the Executive Committee to aid the full board in understanding these reports to maintain current knowledge of AAMFT’s fiduciary health.

As you can see, the Executive Committee both leads and serves the board and association through fulfilling their individual roles by appointment, as well as their collective role as a governance unit. In AAMFT, the roles of the executive officers and the function of the Executive Committee are upheld with dedication and integrity that is informed by policy, to create a board community that best serves our association.

AAMFT strives in every aspect to function with what is known as association best practices.

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