The Roles of President and President-Elect


The AAMFT governance policies provide for a developmental mentor leadership process when it comes to the roles of the president and president-elect and the past president. Altogether, it is a five-year journey with a multigenerational process support function. If we jump into the middle of that journey, at the three-year mark, the president is just entering the first year in the role. The primary job of the president is to maintain the integrity of the board’s process. That is, to ensure that the board behaves consistently with its own rules and the fiduciary obligations imposed upon it by law.

In those first two years as president-elect, the primary job is to assist the president in that role, and to help ensure the integrity of the board’s process. This is done by staying atop of the governing policies, being engaged, curious, and ever watchful to all aspects of the governance process. The president-elect also does the work expected of any board member. In the fifth year, the past president’s role provides for counsel and guidance to the president and—as a well-seasoned board member—a bridge to the institutional memory for the board. And the transition of leadership occurs with a new president-elect, newly installed president, and the step down on that journey for the final year as past president.

For effective governance leadership, the distinctive relationship between president and president-elect is built upon trust and trustworthiness, collaboration with role differentiation, thoughtful transparency, and open communication—conjointly with the CEO.

The president and the president-elect, and the past president during that term, meet weekly with the Chief Executive Officer to review current, ongoing, and future association matters. The board meeting agenda is the result of collaboration among the president, president-elect, Executive Committee, and board task forces and committees. The president is empowered to chair board meetings with all the commonly accepted power of that position and Robert’s Rules of Order (Robert, Honemann, Balch, Seabold, & Gerger, 2011). The president-elect helps track the order of speakers and assists with the sequence of motions and general order.

The president confers with the president-elect on all matters of policy which arise between board meetings. The president also collaborates with the president-elect and CEO regarding board related issues to determine whether the board needs to act, decide, provide consultation, or simply be informed. The president-elect must stand ready to perform the duties of president, such as chair for board meetings, when the president is unavailable or unable to perform them.

The president serves as chair for the executive committee, along with the president-elect, treasurer, and secretary of the board. For effective governance leadership, the distinctive relationship between president and president-elect is built upon trust and trustworthiness, collaboration with role differentiation, thoughtful transparency, and open communication—conjointly with the CEO. The strength and clarity of that multigenerational leadership relationship is then expressed and modeled within the executive committee, and with the full board.

Robert, H. M., Honemann, D. H., Balch, T. J., Seabold, D. E., & Gerger, S. (2011). Robert’s Rules of Order, 11th edition. New York: PublicAffairs.

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