Family Therapy Magazine

Leadership Symposium Recap & A Member Poem

Leadership Symposium Recap

March 13 – 16, AAMFT held its 2024 Leadership Symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. Attendees began the event with a community service project, packing hygiene kits for Veterans in need with the organization Veterans Helping Veterans – Hygiene for the World.

Later that afternoon, everyone gathered for a networking reception where attendees had a chance to chat and get to know one another or catch up with colleagues in a beautiful outdoor setting.

The following morning was kicked off with the inspirational keynoter Karlin J. Tichenor, as he spoke on Systems Thinking for Community Impact. Through relevant case studies and real-life applications, he demonstrated how MFTs can discover the subtle yet powerful impact systemic therapy can have beyond clinical confines.

Sessions throughout the week focused on leadership skill building as it relates to the many different roles that MFTs play in work and society.

Minority Fellowship Program Fellows sat for a panel and led other sessions. The 2024 Certificate of Leadership Cohort met for a lively luncheon discussion, and the event was wrapped up by speaker Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch who drew on her life story and early influences to demonstrate how she came to work with families in need.

AAMFT thanks all of the attendees and presenters for a fantastic learning event!

The Voice of Misery: In the Work Place

Robert M. Cunningham Jr., MSFT


Fingers Clinched on Head While Forehead on Desk

No One Around Can See this Stress

No One To Hear the Melancholy Beat Within My Chest

Walking in Everyday with A Smile on My Face

But Internally Disgusted by Some Things That Are Happening in this Place

Will Things Ever Change

Only Time Will Tell

Will Things Ever Change

Sometimes this Feels Like Hell

Working Day to Day Nine to Five, Five to Eleven, Eleven to Six

Time Going Around and Round but Something Feels Broken

Something Needs Fixed

Stress, Pressure

Will There Ever Be Release

Stress, Pressure

Will There Ever Be Peace

Stress, Pressure

This is All I See

Stress, Pressure

When Work Becomes Misery



Robert M. Cunningham, Jr., is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kansas. He is the owner of R.M. Cunningham Consulting, L.L.C. (RMCC). RMCC views individuals, couples, and families not as problems to fix, but as majestic monuments in the process of completion. He is the Director of Special Programs at The City Teen Center where he has been an active member of the leadership development team since 2009. Within this role, he has helped create programming that is currently being implemented to middle and high school students. Nationally, he has served on the Board of Directors for AAMFT and the AAMFT Elections Council (2020-2022). He has presented in different capacities at Kansas State University Polytechnic, Kansas Wesleyan University, Tabor College, and Bethany College.

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