COAMFTE Accreditation Standards Version 12.5 Implementation and Resources


The COAMFTE Accreditation Standards V12.5 was formally implemented on January 1, 2022. Many COAMFTE-accredited programs have already expressed interest in and enthusiasm for transitioning to Standards Version 12.5 with over 95% notifying the Commission that they are formally adopting the revised standards in the first year of implementation. In an effort to support programs entering the initial or renewal of accreditation process under the new version 12.5 standards, the COAMFTE standards, policies and procedures were modernized based on stakeholder feedback and years of detailed research including comparison to other accreditors. In coordination with the COAMFTE Standards Review Committee recommendations and with an intent to reduce program and volunteer workload, COAMFTE streamlined the following accreditation processes:

  • Innovative reporting – new self-study tables to foster consistency
  • Eligibility Criteria step eliminated for renewing programs
  • Emphasis on minimum threshold

In addition, COAMFTE offers several resources intended to support program success in the self-study process, and to foster consistent interpretation by COAMFTE volunteers/reviewers that are located on the COAMFTE website.