November / December 2021

Ethics Issues Today

The Solid Ground of Integrated Ethical Practice

There is an expectation, a written and unwritten rule, a personal and professional imperative, that in order for couple and family therapists to practice from an ethical foundation, we stand on the solid ground of five principles
Toni Zimmerman, PhD and Marj Castronova, PhD

Family Therapy Ethics with Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families

The U.S. Department of Defense is the largest employer in the world, thus it is highly likely that MFTs, whether intentional or not, will have the opportunity to work with service members, veterans, and their families (SMVF) throughout their career.
Meghan Lacks, PhD and Jessica Goodman, PhD

When we begin to consider relational ethics in all our relationships, we are held to a higher standard of authenticity.

Professional Competence and Integrity

The competence and integrity of the MFT may well be the most important and fundamental components of ethical behavior and practice. Ethical standards, such as the AAMFT Code of Ethics, define professional expectations and rules of practice.
James Morris, PhD and George Stone, MA

Navigating Client Generated Prejudice

What is the responsibility of the therapist when the therapy room becomes a hostile place because of the client’s negative perceptions and oppressive language? How do therapists ethically navigate client-generated prejudice?
DeAnna Harris-McKoy, PhD, Racine R. Henry, PhD, and Taimyr Strachan-Louidor, PhD

Queer Therapists Practicing in Their Own Cultural Community: Proactive Ethical-Decision Making Suggestions

Discover some of the common ethical dilemmas that a therapist who works within their queer cultural identity may encounter and steps to take to be proactive and minimize any negative impact.
M. Evan Thomas, PhD and Mary R. Nedela, PhD

Recent Issues


Body Image and Food Challenges in the Black Community

Topics including black families & body image, the impact of diet culture & weight stigma, and destructive consequences.

Climate Change & Natural Disasters: A Call to Action for Systemic Therapists

Topics including eco-informed family therapy, MFTs and climate change, and helping families cope with disasters.
MAY / JUNE 2021

Disability and the Family

Topics including interventions, disability & stigma, and neurodiversity.