Wellness Series Part 3 – Sweat It Off: The Importance of Physical Activity in Client Biopsychosocial Functioning

Physical activity is beneficial for many of our clients’ presenting problems, including mood disorders, cognitive and emotional functioning, and even social relationships (e.g., Biddel & Asare, 2011; Mikkelsen, Stojanovska, Polenakovic, Bosevski, & Apostolopoulos, 2017; Johnson et al., 2018; Yorgason, Johnson, Hill, & Selland, 2018). However, only 25% adults in the United States meet the recommended [...]

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AAMFT’s Next Evolution

Throughout AAMFT’s history, there have been eras of focus by the Association. Of course, in the early days, AAMFT was simply focusing on establishing itself as an association. Such things as naming, determining who could be a member, and deciding what exactly its purpose was marked the era. Nichols (1992) referred to this time period [...]

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