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Parenting in the 21st Century

Screening Screen Time: Evidence-Informed Guidelines for Parenting in the Digital Age

An overview of the research concerning kids’ screen time, including issues related to physical health, aggression, attention problems, depression and other aspects.

Diane R. Gehart, PhD

The Social Media Battle Ground

With so many teens heavily connected to social media, it is vitally important to help parents understand the nuances of the positive and negative impacts of their children’s experiences in the digital world.

Katharine Larson, MA

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Parents should model self-acceptance and tell their kids what they are doing to accomplish this, as well as teach their children to accomplish this themselves by giving them the tools to become more self-directed, which should lead to greater levels of self-acceptance and self-confidence.

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Divorce, Remarriage, and Blended Families: Checklists for Therapists

Significant life transitions bring stressors to every member of the family. Systemic therapists are at the forefront of guiding families through divorce, co-parenting, and blending new families.
Neelia Pettaway, MC

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Supporting Clients Facing Infertility

Couples dealing with infertility can benefit from unique support and understanding. Therapists should be familiar with infertility terminology, interventions, and the physical and emotional challenges couples face in their struggle to become parents.

Linda Meier Abdelsayed, MA

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Respect—Is this the Key Ingredient in the Recipe for Successful Family Relationships?

Parents often face the tough challenge of managing a disrespectful child. What causes this behavior and how can families work to understand one another better and strive toward improved, respectful communication?
Gary Sytsma, MAMFT

A Message from the President

Happy New Year 2020! Just saying that conjures a sense of vision. My hope is that this year—indeed, this decade—is one of vision, foresight, and generativity. I’m staring down the road of my second year as president—and thinking beyond. I’m reflecting on the thematic aims and hopes I expressed last year for my term of service in this leadership role.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD

Recent Issues


Helping Families Cope During the Pandemic

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Working with Low Income Families

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Helping Families Cope During the Pandemic

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