Family Therapy Magazine

Family Therapy Magazine – November / December 2020

ND20 Cover

Getting to Know Your AAMFT Governance

The AAMFT Board of Directors cares about member needs and concerns, and embraces the core value of transparency. We have asked current and past board members to talk about their roles, the duties they perform, and to address many other facets of AAMFT’s governance. AAMFT encourages members to stay informed of board activities and decisions, and to bring questions and comments to the board’s attention. We also encourage members to consider running for an elected position and participating in association governance.

The work of the board can be quite engaging and variable, but like other elements of the association, the Board endeavors always to act in the best interest of the association.

Meet Your AAMFT Board of Directors

The AAMFT Board of Directors cares about member needs and concerns, and embraces the core value of transparency.

Getting to Know Your AAMFT Governance: An Introduction

Many members may well recognize the leadership role of the AAMFT Board of Directors, but fewer may actually be aware of the specific function and activities of the board.
Christopher Habben, PhD, Past President

The AAMFT Board of Directors Responsibilities

There are three primary areas of responsibility for our association board: Setting the direction for the association, ensuring the necessary resources for movement in that direction, and oversight.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President and Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

Knowledge Based Governance

Members sometimes wonder what goes into the board processes for when and how the AAMFT Board of Directors moves to take action, make recommendations, form a task force or committee, and otherwise makes necessary and important decisions to strategically guide the association with long range vision.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President

Representative or Constituency Based Governance

As elected members from the association, the Board of Directors, Commissioners and Elections Council members are often surprised to learn during governance orientation that AAMFT is oriented toward representative governance and less toward constituency based governance.
Tracy Todd, PhD, CEO

Representative Governance

In the last article, CEO Tracy Todd highlighted the distinctions between constituency based and representative governance. Here, I will expand on the board’s role as a representative of AAMFT.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President

The Performance Evaluation Committee

AAMFT conducts an annual governance orientation for newly elected AAMFT board, elections council, and commissioners. CEO Tracy Todd, president-elect Shelley A. Hanson, and I led the intensive two-day orientation.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President

Diversity and Inclusivity Policy

Emerging from recommendations of the Diversity and Inclusivity Steering Committee (DISC) in 2018 and board approved policies in early 2019, there are two essential aspects of this policy. One is related to our D&I commitment, the second is our D&I accountability.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President

Board Ready Materials and the Charge

Perhaps you have wondered how the AAMFT Board of Directors does its work, makes its decisions, and what informs the board in that important process. While most people have a general idea of how a board functions, every board and association has features that are unique to them. This association is no exception.
Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

Flexing with Change? Or Bent by Change?

At the time of this writing, the entire world is responding to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Change is upon us. Worldwide. Throughout all our systems.
Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

How Does the Board Get So Much Work Done?

The AAMFT Board of Directors meets four times a year, yet our work is never ceasing. Between meetings, we are busy reading reports, having discussions within our Network, and addressing current and future issues for our association.
Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

The Executive Committee and AAMFT

The Executive Committee is specifically mentioned in the AAMFT Bylaws: “5.04. The committees of the board are the Executive Committee and such other committees of the board as shall be authorized by the board. The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer of the association.
Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

Giving Associations Voice

Associations are unique business entities in that they have three unique parts that create the whole: 1) the elected Board of Directors which sets the strategic vision for the association and holds fiduciary responsibility for the entity; 2) members who advance the field through their work and provide input and direction to the association; and 3) staff who drive the operations of those plans and provide the services for members.
Amanda Darnley, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Outreach

The Roles of President and President-Elect

The AAMFT governance policies provide for a developmental mentor leadership process when it comes to the roles of the president and president-elect and the past president.
Timothy F. Dwyer, PhD, President and Shelley A. Hanson, MA, President-Elect

Recording Meeting Minutes

The Rules for AAMFT Assemblies are adapted from Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition (Robert, Honemann, Balch, Seabold, & Gerger, 2011). The secretary (or designated other) records the proceedings of meetings of the board, committees, and task forces for future reference.
Linda K. Oxford, MSSW, Secretary

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