JA20 Cover
JULY / AUGUST 2020      VOLUME 19, NO. 4

MFT and the Struggle Against Racism

“This Ish is Exhausting” Acknowledging the Emotional Labor of Black MFTs

Although we are systemic therapists, we are still Black people with legacies of historical trauma, racial injustice, and resilience. We must find ways to process and handle additional layers of stress, mental and emotional strain that we carry from our clinical work.
Joslyn Armstrong, PhD

Our Role as Systemic Therapists in Dismantling Systemic Racism

In the grand scheme of things, we are all mental health professionals and add to the racial disparities in the provision and access of mental health services.
Danielle Samuel, MS


Black children are two and half times more likely to be diagnosed with Conduct Disorder compared to ADHD, a diagnosis that is typically met with more punitive rather than ameliorative interventions.

Why Aren’t There Any MFT Programs at Historically Black Colleges or Universities?

Expanding the Reach of MFT Education and Training.
Leslie Anderson, PhD

“Academia was not created with me in mind”: Examining MFT Programs and Systemic Racism

Faculty of color are disproportionately underrepresented in higher education. While colleges and universities across America have seen increased growth in diverse students attending college, there appears to be an imbalance in representation of racially diverse faculty.
Denise Williams, PhD

Breaking the Codes of Silence: Interracial Couples in Therapy

Interracial couples often choose to avoid discussions of difference and their experiences of prejudice and racism. This silence can hinder the level of connection and intimacy in a couple’s relationship, and microaggressions can occur in a variety of contexts, including the therapy room.
Kyle D. Killian, PhD

Thank You

AAMFT members, the Board of Directors, and staff demonstrated dedication to quickly and effectively respond to the pandemic and racial injustices. Both issues will endure, and I am very confident that AAMFT, with assistance from its outstanding members, will continue to admirably respond. I offer my sincerest gratitude to everyone for helping to make AAMFT a true leader within the field of marriage and family therapy.
Tracy Todd, CEO

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